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About illuminate

illuminate preserves the unique history of the Uniting Church in Australia and the denominations which came together in 1997 to create the Uniting Church in Australia. illuminate is managed by Camden Theological Library together with the Assembly Archives and the NSW/ACT Synod Archives. illuminate showcases material dating back as early as the start of the 19th century. Users now have easy online access to official records and official publications.

illuminate, a word which conveys the concepts of shedding light and reflecting on our history, has been created to preserve and make this material more accessible. Here you can explore our rich collection of resources, whether by searching for topics that interest you or just browsing through what the collection holds.

At present, illuminate registration/membership only enables access to content intended for registered users of Camden Theological Library and therefore registrations are restricted to these users.

Some categories of material are only available on application to the Assembly Archivist. Please use the Contact Us form if you wish to discuss this arrangement

Feel free to Contact Us if you have any feedback to help make illuminate even better, if you would like to know more about something in our Archives, or are interested in contributing to our efforts to make our collections more accessible.