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- Audio64
- Interviewee...
- Anthony Michael Floyd 1
- Brian Robert Brown 3
- Chris George Budden 1
- Clive Dominish 1
- Denis Russell Towner 1
- Gregor Sutherland Henderson 1
- Jim Mein 1
- Ki Soon Jang 1
- Margaret Ida Reeson 1
- Norman Coville Crowe 1
- Norman McDonald 1
- Rev. Dr. Dean Drayton 4
- Rev. Dr. John Mallison 1
- Rev. John Mavor 1
- Rev. Winston O'Reilly 1
- Terence Ian Corkin 1
- William Harvey Ives 2
Show More - Title...
- A platypus Pentecost unity and diversity and the Australian church part 1 1
- A platypus Pentecost unity and diversity and the Australian church part 2 1
- Andrew Dutney talks about Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) photographic exhibition 1
- Anthony Michael Floyd interviewed by Levon Kardashian 1
- Big things 2
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Big things 1
- Brian Robert Brown interviewed by Charissa Suli 1
- Brian Robert Brown interviewed by Martin Levine 1
- Brian Robert Brown interviewed by Nathaline El Saliby 1
- Bringing Theology Down to Earth 1
- Chris George Budden interviewed by Suzanne Stanton 1
- Clive Dominish interviewed by Graham Long 1
- Dean Drayton interviewed by Dirk van Doorene 1
- Dean Drayton interviewed by Nigel Rogers 1
- Dean Drayton interviewed by So Young Park 1
- Dean Drayton interviewed by William Emilsen 1
- Deidre Palmer talks about her role as UCA President and history of UCA 1
- Denis Russell Towner interviewed by Daniel Craft 1
- First Assembly, Inauguration - Part 1 of 8 1
- First Assembly, Inauguration - Part 2 of 8 1
- First Assembly, Inauguration - Part 3 of 8 1
- First Assembly, Inauguration - Part 4 of 8 1
- First Assembly, Inauguration - Part 5 of 8 1
- First Assembly, Inauguration - Part 6 of 8 1
- First Assembly, Inauguration - Part 7 of 8 1
- First Assembly, Inauguration - Part 8 of 8 1
- Gregor Sutherland Henderson interviewed by Andrew Johnson 1
- Jim Mein interviewed by Paul Simpson 1
- John Mallison interviewed by John Barker 1
- John Mavor interviewed by Ronald Law 1
- Ki Soon Jang interviewed by Ryang Joon Kim 1
- Margaret Ida Reeson interviewed by Andy Carlisle 1
- Norman Coville Crowe interviewed by Yung Kim 1
- Norman McDonald interviewed by Robert Griffith 1
- Terence Ian Corkin interviewed by Adrian White 1
- The History of Social Responsibility in the Uniting Church and its Antecedents - Rev. Harry Herbert - 25 Sept 2011 1
- The Shape of the Ministry part 1 1
- The Shape of the Ministry part 2 1
- William Harvey Ives interviewed by Graham Baldock 2
- Winston O'Reilly interviewed by Graham Downey 1
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- Topic...
- Interviewee...
- Biography74
- Category...
- Biographies 71
- Author...
- --- 2
- Allison Down 1
- Arch Grant 1
- Baker, Thomas ;|Gilmore, Mary 1
- Boorman, Noela. 1
- Carless, Ronald L. 1
- Carter, Nancy 1
- Charlesworth, Jenny. 1
- Chris Goy 1
- Curthoys, Patricia 1
- Danks, Benjamin 1
- De Reland, Elizabeth, 1
- De Reland, Mario. 1
- Derrick, Helen. 1
- Dicker, Gordon S. (Gordon Stanley), 1930- 3
- Drayton, R. Dean. 1
- Emilsen, William W 1
- Engel, Frank G. 1
- Green, Robert H. 1
- Guy, Harold M. 1
- Hawkins, Harold L. 1
- Hazlewood, David 1
- Howlett, Lorna 1
- Huckett, Margaret 1
- Ikin, Henry ; |Hartley, R. Wesley ; |Thom, G. (Grahame) 1
- Ives, William H. (Bill) 2
- Leigh Oldmeadow 1
- Lovett, Richard 1
- Mackenzie, Helen 1
- Maisie McKenzie 1
- Margaret Ford 1
- Mavor, John E. 1
- Max Griffiths 1
- McKay, James Frederick 1
- McKenzie, Maisie 2
- Mein, James D. 1
- Moulton, J. E. (James Egan) 1
- Munro, Doug│Thornley, Andrew 1
- Penman, Paul. 1
- Rebolledo, Jorge. 1
- Ritch, Diana ; |Gribble, C.F. (Cecil Frank) 1
- Robinson, Susan C. 1
- Rudduck, Loma 1
- Saunders, Garry. 1
- Taungakava, Samiuela Kofe. 1
- Thornley, Andrew 2
- Udy, James S. (James Stuart) 1
- Vidler, Lloyd, 1932- 1
- W T Lagi 1
- W. Scott McPheat 1
- Walker, Emund 1
- Wallis, Noel W. 1
- Woodley, J. 1
- Yule, Jean 1
- Zurrer, Rosemary. 1
- de Reland, Elizabeth 5
- de Reland, Elizabeth 1
- de Reland, Elizabeth. 5
Show More - Topic...
- Subject...
- Adriu Rogoimuri 1
- Alfred Hermann Traeger 1
- Australian Inland Mission 1
- Dean Drayton 1
- Helen Robinson 1
- Henry Charles Oldmeadow 1
- Henry Ikin 1
- Parramatta 2
- Rev. A Wesley Amos 1
- Rev. A. L. (Lock) Finlay 1
- Rev. Archibald & Mrs. Hilda Bogle 1
- Rev. Benjamin Danks 1
- Rev. Cecil Frank Gribble 1
- Rev. David Hazlewood 1
- Rev. Don Boorman 1
- Rev. Doug & Mrs. McKenzie 1
- Rev. Dr. Gordon Dicker 3
- Rev. Frank G. Engel 1
- Rev. Fred McKay 1
- Rev. George Carter 1
- Rev. Gloster Udy 1
- Rev. Harold Lawes Hawkins 1
- Rev. Harold M Guy 1
- Rev. Herbert William Ramsay 1
- Rev. J Woodley 1
- Rev. James Egan Moulton 1
- Rev. James Stuart Udy 1
- Rev. John E. Mavor 1
- Rev. John Flynn 2
- Rev. John Penman 1
- Rev. John Waterhouse 1
- Rev. Leslie A. Pearson 1
- Rev. Lloyd Vidler 1
- Rev. R. Philpot 1
- Rev. Rolland (Rollie) Arthur Busch 1
- Rev. Samuel Leigh 1
- Rev. Thomas Baker 1
- Rev. Walter Lawry 1
- Rev. William Ives 2
- Robert H. Green 1
- Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) 4
- Rudolph Oertel Nadebaum (Greenwood) 1
- Samuel Leigh 1
- William Lawry 1
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- Category...
- Carousel image7
- Image1386
- Category...
- Images 1383
- Place...
- Adamstown 1
- Adelong 1
- Albury 1
- Alexandria 3
- Alstonville 3
- Annandale 1
- Appin 1
- Arcadia 1
- Arding 1
- Ardlethan 1
- Ariah Park 1
- Armidale 2
- Arncliffe 1
- Arncliffe, NSW 1
- Artarmon 2
- Ashfield 2
- Auburn 2
- Balgowlah Heights 4
- Balgownie 1
- Ballarat 1
- Ballina 1
- Balmain 7
- Bankstown 5
- Barellan 1
- Barraba 1
- Bathurst 5
- Bawraville 1
- Bega 3
- Bellingen 2
- Belmont 1
- Bendemeer 1
- Berrigan 3
- Berry 1
- Bingara 2
- Binnaway 1
- Birriwa 1
- Blayney 1
- Bondi 2
- Bookham 2
- Booragul 2
- Boronia 3
- Bourke 3
- Bourke 1
- Bourke NSW 4
- Bourke, NSW 8
- Bourke, plane hangar 1
- Bowral 1
- Braidwood 1
- Brighton Le Sands 1
- Bronte 2
- Bundeena 1
- Burwood 6
- Camden, NSW, 4-7 October 1929 1
- Campbelltown 1
- Canberra 4
- Canowindra 2
- Casino 1
- Castle Hill 4
- Castlereagh (near Penrith) 1
- Cessnock 5
- Charlestown 1
- Chatswood 10
- Cheltenham 1
- Cherrybrook 2
- Clarence Town 1
- Clenton Park 4
- Cobar 2
- Cobar 1938 1
- Cobar NSW 1
- Cobar, NSW 1
- Coffs Harbour 1
- Coleambally 2
- Collaroy 4
- Concord 1
- Coolah 1
- Coolamon 4
- Coopernook 1
- Cootamundra 6
- Cowabbie 1
- Cromer 1
- Croydon 1
- Cundletown 2
- Dapper 1
- Dee Why 3
- Dondingalong 3
- Dorrigo 2
- Dunedoo 1
- Dungog 4
- East Gresford 1
- Eastwood 5
- Eccleston 1
- Eden 3
- Elong 1
- Emu Plains 1
- Enfield Methodist Church 1
- Engadine 1
- Epping 1
- Ettalong 1
- Fairfield 1
- Far West 1
- Faulconbridge 1
- Five Dock 1
- Forest Lodge 1
- Gerringong 1
- Gladesville 2
- Gladstone 1
- Glebe 4
- Glenbrook 2
- Gloucester 1
- Gordon 2
- Grafton 3
- Greenethorpe 3
- Griffith 5
- Gulgong 1
- Gundagai 2
- Gunnedah 2
- Guyra 1
- Hackett 1
- Hamilton 1
- Helensburgh 1
- Hobbys Yards (near Blayney) 1
- Holbrook 1
- Hungerford NSW 2
- Hungerford, 1971 1
- Hungerford, NSW 2
- Hungerford, NSW. Methodist Nursing Service 1
- Ilford 2
- Ingleburn 1
- Jamberoo 2
- Jamisontown 1
- Jerrara 1
- Jindabyne 1
- Jindabyne, NSW 2
- Junee 1
- Karuah 1
- Kiama 4
- Kilaben Bay 2
- Killara 1
- Killara Congregational Church, NSW 1
- Killara NSW 1
- Kingsgrove 1
- Kotara 1
- Lake Heights 2
- Lake Illawarra 1
- Lakemba 1
- Lane Cove 1
- Laurieton 1
- Lawson 3
- Leichhardt 1
- Lincoln College Oxford 1
- Lindfield 4
- Linfield 1
- Lismore 4
- Lismore NSW 1
- Lithgow 6
- Macksville 2
- Maitland 1
- Manilla 1
- Mannering Park 1
- Marrar 2
- Marrickville 5
- Mayfield 1
- Menindee 2
- Menindee, 1970s 1
- Milton 4
- Milton, Queensland 1
- Miranda 1
- Moonbi 1
- Moree 1
- Mortdale 1
- Moss Vale 1
- Mow Cop, Staffordshire UK 1
- Mt Ku-ring-gai 1
- Mudgee 2
- Nambuca Heads 1
- Narrandera 4
- Narrandera, NSW 1
- Narwee 1
- Nauru 1
- Nelligen 1
- Neutral Bay 6
- New Lambton 5
- Newcastle 7
- Newtown 3
- Norfolk Island 3
- Normanhurst 1
- North Parramatta 3
- North Sydney 3
- Not identified 1
- Nungalinya 1
- Orange 3
- Orara 1
- Orchard Hills 1
- Otford 1
- Over Hungerford NSW 1
- Over Lake Barnato 1
- Pambula 1
- Paroo River, south of Hungerford 1
- Parramatta 5
- Parramatta, NSW 1
- Paterson 1
- Peakhurst 2
- Pennant Hills 2
- Penrith 1
- Photo taken from the church plane, May 1974 1
- Port Kembla 5
- Port Macquarie 4
- Portland 1
- Punchbowl 1
- Pymble 2
- Randwick 7
- Redbank 1
- Redfern 2
- Regents Park 2
- Rooty Hill 1
- Roseville 2
- Ryde 3
- Salisbury 1
- Singleton 3
- South Grafton 2
- South Waratah 1
- South West Rocks 2
- Spring Hill 2
- Springwood 1
- Stockton 1
- Sussex Inlet 1
- Sydeny Town Hall 1
- Sydney 14
- Sydney Town Hall 8
- Sylvania 1
- Tamworth 2
- Taree 1
- Taree, Morpeth NSW 1
- Tarro 1
- Tathra 2
- Tenterfield 2
- Termeil 1
- Terrigal 2
- Thornleigh 1
- Thornleigh, Sydney, NSW 1
- Thornton 1
- Tinonee 1
- Toronto 1
- Tumut 1
- Ultimo 1
- Underbank 1
- Uralla 2
- Wahroonga 2
- Walcha 2
- Walgett 1
- Wamberal 1
- Wantagong 1
- Waverley 1
- Wellingrove, NSW, near Glen Innes 1
- West Epping 1
- West Kempsey 1
- West Linfield 1
- West Pennant Hills 2
- West Wollongong 1
- West Wollongong Methodist Church 1
- West Wyalong 1
- Wilcannia 4
- Willoughby 1
- Wingham 1
- Wonaminta, 1970s 1
- Woodburn 1
- Woolgoolga 5
- Woollahra 2
- Yarrahappinni 1
- Yass 4
- Young 1
Show More - Group...
- Series...
- Chairmen Congregational Union of NSW 44
- Congregational 66
- Congregational Lay People 9
- Congregational Ministers 158
- First Assembly Sydney 1977 9
- Methodist 222
- Methodist Deaconesses 1
- Methodist Home Missionary 2
- Methodist Lay People 27
- Methodist Ministers 563
- Methodist Missionary 1
- Moderators NSW ACT Synod 1977- 35
- Presbyterian 93
- Presbyterian Lay People 7
- Presbyterian Ministers 32
- Presidents Australian Wesleyan Methodist Conference 1855-1901 28
- Presidents Methodist Church of Australasia 1904-1977 36
- Presidents NSW Methodist Conference 1902-1977 82
- Presidents NSW Wesleyan Methodist Conference 1875-1901 31
- Presidents Uniting 1977- 18
- Uniting 140
- Uniting Church Ministers 53
- Uniting Church Pastor 1
- Uniting Lay People 17
- Uniting Ministers 81
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- Category...
- Index36
- Category...
- Congregational 1
- Index 34
- Methodist 29
- Presbyterian 2
- UCA 3
- Agency...
- Document Type...
- Index 36
- Series...
- Starts with...
- Date...
- Decade...
- Topic...
- Overseas Missions 27
- Worship 1
- Category...
- Official Record2939
- Category...
- Church Union 218
- Congregational 268
- Frontier Services 103
- Methodist 613
- Presbyterian 419
- UCA 1335
- Agency...
- Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Church 17
- Congregational Union of Australia and New Zealand 51
- Congregational Union of NSW 196
- First Assembly, Sydney,1977 3
- Joint Constitution Commission (JCC ) & Joint Constitution Council (JC Cc) 37
- London Missionary Society (LMS) 21
- Methodist Church of Australasia 398
- Methodist Church of Australasia (1901) 6
- Presbyterian Church of Australia 196
- Presbyterian Church of Australia - NSW 105
- Presbyterian Church of Australia - Tas 1
- Presbyterian Church of Australia - Vic 117
- Presbyterian Property Commission (PPC) & Presbyterian Church NSW 172
- Primitive Methodist Church 1
- UCA - Assembly 1172
- UCA - NSW Synod 142
- UCA - NSW/ACT Synod 103
- Wesleyan Methodist Church 18
- Wesleyan Methodist Church of Australasia 178
Show More - Sub-Agency...
- Assembly 165
- Assembly Standing Committee (ASC) 176
- Board of Missions 86
- Camden College 34
- Commission for Mission Finance Committee (CMFC) 2
- Commission for Mission Frontier Services (CMFS) 15
- Commission for National Mission (UCNM) 6
- Commission on Australian Inland Mission (UCNM) 3
- Dept of Home Missions 11
- Doctrine 4
- Federal Assembly 13
- Frontier Services 30
- Frontier Services Board (FSB) 42
- Frontier Services Finance Committee 17
- General Assembly 315
- General Conference 62
- Home Mission Board 47
- Methodist Missionary Society of Australasia 28
- Ministerial Education 8
- Multicultural Ministry 4
- NSW Conference 171
- NSW Conference Sustentation and Extension Society 39
- NSW Conference Sustentation and Home Mission Society 51
- NSW and Qld Annual Conference 19
- Relations with Other Faiths 1
- Safe Church 8
- Synod Standing Committee (SSC) 66
- Uniting Aboriginal & Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) 14
- UnitingCare 2
- UnitingJustice (UJ) 146
- Victoria & Tasmania Conference 13
- Victoria and Tasmania Conference 22
- Victorian Aboriginal Group 5
- Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society. Australasia 73
- Worship 2
Show More - Document Type...
- Agenda 94
- Correspondence 8
- Directory 42
- Doctrine Paper 8
- Educational Resource 14
- Handbook 13
- Index 19
- Liturgy 11
- Liturgy 72
- Manual 1
- Minutes 1049
- Newsletter 16
- Order of Service 84
- Pastoral Letter 7
- Policy 64
- Proceedings 48
- Public Statement 78
- Regulation 87
- Report 376
- Subject File 218
- Submission 128
- Working Papers 75
- Worship Guideline 8
- Worship Resource 2
- Yearbook 158
Show More - Series...
- Assembly Standing Committee (ASC) 133
- Australasian Congregational Yearbook 4
- Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Church Annual Conference 65
- Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Church. Victoria & Tasmania. Annual Conference 22
- Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society 43
- Australian Shepherd 11
- Congregational Union of NSW Year Book 107
- Eighteenth Assembly 2
- Eighth Assembly Perth 1997 14
- Eighth Triennial Assembly 1
- Eleventh Assembly 2
- Eleventh Assembly Brisbane 2006 12
- Fifteenth Assembly 1
- Fifteenth Assembly Melbourne 2018 5
- Fifth Assembly Melbourne 1988 6
- Fifth Triennial Assembly 1
- Financial Claims - Minority Rights 5
- First Assembly Sydney 1977 19
- Fourteenth Assembly 2
- Fourteenth Assembly Perth 2015 11
- Fourteenth Assembly, Perth, 2015 1
- Fourth Assembly 1
- Fourth Assembly Sydney 1985 10
- Home Mission Board - Annual Reports 47
- Interpretation Committee 10
- LMS Annual Reports 15
- LMS Survey 5
- Media Release 393
- Methodist Church of Australasia. General Conference 77
- Methodist Church of Australasia. New South Wales Conference 209
- Methodist Missionary Society of Australasia Report 28
- Negotiation Papers - Property 44
- Nineteenth Assembly 2
- Ninth Assembly Adelaide 2000 9
- Ninth Triennial Assembly 2
- One Hundred and Eighth Annual Assembly 2
- One Hundred and Eleventh Annual Assembly 1
- One Hundred and Fifth Annual Assembly 1
- One Hundred and Fourth Annual Assembly 1
- One Hundred and Ninth Annual Assembly 1
- One Hundred and Tenth Annual Assembly 1
- PPC Meetings 26
- Papers Relative to the Wesleyan Missions 12
- Presbyterian Church of Australia. Federal Assembly 13
- Presbyterian Church of Australia. General Assembly 178
- Presbyterian Church of NSW. General Assembly 104
- Presbyterian Church of Tas. General State Assembly 1
- Presbyterian Church of Vic. General Assembly 116
- Property Claims - Minority Rights 37
- Property Claims - Special Reasons 21
- Second Assembly Melbourne 1979 5
- Seventeenth Assembly 2
- Seventh Assembly Sydney 1994 7
- Seventh Triennial Assembly 1
- Sixteenth Assembly 2
- Sixth Assembly Brisbane 1991 10
- Sixth Triennial Assembly 1
- State Negotiators 19
- Submission 128
- Synod Meeting 130
- Synod Standing Committee (SSC) 57
- Tenth Assembly 1
- Tenth Assembly Melbourne 2003 13
- The Wesleyan Missionary Notices 18
- Third Assembly 1
- Third Assembly Adelaide 1982 9
- Thirteenth Assembly 2
- Thirteenth Assembly Adelaide 2012 16
- Thirtieth Assembly 2
- Thirty-First Assembly 2
- Thirty-Second Assembly 2
- Twelfth Assembly 2
- Twelfth Assembly Sydney 2009 12
- Twelfth Assembly, Sydney, 2009 1
- Twentieth Assembly 2
- Twenty-Eighth Assembly 1
- Twenty-Fifth Assembly 1
- Twenty-First Assembly 2
- Twenty-Fourth Assembly 1
- Twenty-Ninth Assembly 2
- Twenty-Second Assembly 2
- Twenty-Seventh Assembly 2
- Twenty-Sixth Assembly 1
- Twenty-Third Assembly 1
- UCA - Assembly 12
- UCA - NSW Synod 39
- UCA - NSW/ACT Synod 6
- Wesleyan Methodist Church of Australasia. New South Wales. Annual Conference 39
Show More - Decade...
- 1820-1829 12
- 1840-1849 1
- 1850-1859 13
- 1860-1869 48
- 1870-1879 59
- 1870-79 10
- 1880-1889 64
- 1880-89 10
- 1890-1899 83
- 1890-99 10
- 1900-09 10
- 1900-1909 91
- 1910-19 10
- 1910-1919 108
- 1920-1929 124
- 1920-29 7
- 1930-1939 140
- 1930-39 10
- 1940-1949 148
- 1940-49 10
- 1950-1959 154
- 1950-59 10
- 1960-1969 163
- 1960-1970 2
- 1960-69 11
- 1969-1979 1
- 1970-1979 335
- 1970-79 8
- 1980-1989 176
- 1990-1999 289
- 200-2019 1
- 2000-09 11
- 2000-2001 3
- 2000-2009 420
- 2000-2010 5
- 2001-2010 1
- 2010-2019 410
- 2020-2019 5
- 2020-2029 32
Show More - Date...
- 1826 4
- 1827 4
- 1828 4
- 1847 1
- 1855 2
- 1856 1
- 1857 2
- 1858 3
- 1859 4
- 1859-1909 1
- 1860 6
- 1861 3
- 1862 3
- 1863 6
- 1864 4
- 1865 5
- 1866 3
- 1867 7
- 1868 6
- 1869 4
- 1870 6
- 1871 5
- 1872 5
- 1873 5
- 1874 9
- 1875 7
- 1876 8
- 1877 9
- 1878 8
- 1879 6
- 1880 8
- 1881 6
- 1882 6
- 1883 6
- 1884 6
- 1885 7
- 1886 6
- 1886-1888 1
- 1886-1910 1
- 1887 7
- 1887-1900 1
- 1888 9
- 1888-1891 1
- 1889 8
- 1890 9
- 1891 8
- 1891-1981 1
- 1892 7
- 1893 7
- 1894 10
- 1894-1897 1
- 1895 9
- 1896 9
- 1897 8
- 1898 8
- 1898-1901 1
- 1899 11
- 1900 7
- 1900-1977 1
- 1901 9
- 1901-1904 1
- 1901-1906 1
- 1902 9
- 1903 9
- 1904 9
- 1904-1908 1
- 1905 10
- 1906 9
- 1907 9
- 1907-1912 1
- 1908 8
- 1908-1911 1
- 1909 9
- 1909-1915 2
- 1910 11
- 1911 8
- 1912 9
- 1912-1915 1
- 1913 10
- 1914 12
- 1914-1920 1
- 1915 9
- 1915-1918 2
- 1916 12
- 1917 10
- 1917-1918 1
- 1918 11
- 1918-1919 1
- 1919 11
- 1919-1920 1
- 1919-1922 1
- 1920 10
- 1920-1921 1
- 1921 9
- 1921-1922 1
- 1922 9
- 1922-1923 1
- 1922-1928 1
- 1923 9
- 1923-1924 1
- 1924 12
- 1924-1925 1
- 1924-1927 1
- 1924-1937 1
- 1924-1978 1
- 1925 11
- 1925-1926 1
- 1926 14
- 1926-1927 1
- 1927 11
- 1927-1928 1
- 1927-1930 1
- 1928 10
- 1928-1929 1
- 1928-1978 1
- 1929 14
- 1929-1930 2
- 1930 10
- 1930-1931 1
- 1930-1933 1
- 1930-1942 1
- 1931 10
- 1931-1932 1
- 1932 12
- 1932-1933 1
- 1933 13
- 1933-1934 1
- 1933-1936 1
- 1934 10
- 1934-1935 2
- 1935 15
- 1935-1936 2
- 1936 13
- 1936-1937 3
- 1936-1939 1
- 1937 10
- 1937-1938 2
- 1938 13
- 1938-1939 2
- 1938-1944 1
- 1939 12
- 1939-1940 3
- 1939-1942 1
- 1940 10
- 1940-1941 3
- 1940-1946 1
- 1941 15
- 1941-1942 2
- 1942 10
- 1942-1943 2
- 1943 10
- 1943-1944 2
- 1943-1945 1
- 1944 9
- 1944-1945 3
- 1944-1993 1
- 1945 13
- 1945-1946 3
- 1945-1948 1
- 1945-1954 1
- 1946 11
- 1946-1947 3
- 1946-1948 1
- 1946-1964 1
- 1947 11
- 1947-1948 2
- 1948 14
- 1948-1949 2
- 1949 12
- 1949-1950 2
- 1949-1951 1
- 1949-1952 1
- 1950 14
- 1950-1951 1
- 1950-1969 1
- 1951 13
- 1951-1952 3
- 1951-1978 1
- 1952 13
- 1952-1954 1
- 1953 9
- 1953-1954 1
- 1953-1957 1
- 1954 15
- 1954-1986 1
- 1955 13
- 1955-1956 1
- 1955-1957 1
- 1956 11
- 1956-1957 2
- 1956-1977 1
- 1957 16
- 1957-1958 2
- 1957-1962 1
- 1958 14
- 1958-1960 1
- 1958-1961 1
- 1958-1979 1
- 1959 11
- 1959-1960 1
- 1959-1962 1
- 1959-1978 1
- 1960 12
- 1960-1961 1
- 1960-1971 2
- 1960-1979 1
- 1961 11
- 1961-1962 2
- 1961-1963 1
- 1962 11
- 1962-1963 3
- 1962-1965 1
- 1962-1975 1
- 1963 13
- 1963-1964 2
- 1964 11
- 1964-1965 3
- 1964-1966 1
- 1964-1967 1
- 1964-1977 1
- 1964-1978 1
- 1965 11
- 1965-1966 2
- 1965-1968 1
- 1965-1983 1
- 1966 13
- 1966-1967 2
- 1967 10
- 1967-1968 1
- 1967-1969 1
- 1967-1977 2
- 1967-1978 1
- 1968 9
- 1968-1969 2
- 1968-1971 2
- 1968-1972 1
- 1968-1976 1
- 1968-1977 1
- 1969 14
- 1969 - 1972 1
- 1969-1970 1
- 1969-1973 1
- 1969-1977 2
- 1970 10
- 1970-1971 1
- 1970-1972 3
- 1970-1977 4
- 1971 12
- 1971-1972 1
- 1971-1974 1
- 1971-1976 1
- 1971-1977 1
- 1971-1978 1
- 1971-1979 1
- 1972 10
- 1972-1973 1
- 1972-1975 1
- 1972-1977 2
- 1973 14
- 1973-1974 2
- 1973-1976 1
- 1973-1977 3
- 1973-1978 3
- 1974 15
- 1974, 1975, 1976 1
- 1974-1975 3
- 1974-1976 6
- 1974-1977 7
- 1974-1978 1
- 1974-1982 1
- 1975 19
- 1975-1976 10
- 1975-1977 9
- 1975-1978 3
- 1975-1980 1
- 1976 9
- 1976-1977 25
- 1976-1978 5
- 1976-1984 1
- 1977 78
- 1977-1978 17
- 1977-1980 2
- 1977-1982 1
- 1978 9
- 1978-1984 1
- 1978-1995 1
- 1979 16
- 1979-1980 1
- 1980 6
- 1981 8
- 1982 21
- 1983 9
- 1984 13
- 1984-1993 1
- 1985 28
- 1986 20
- 1986-1987 2
- 1987 17
- 1988 26
- 1988-1989 1
- 1989 14
- 1990 24
- 1990-1991 1
- 1991 39
- 1992 24
- 1993 20
- 1994 24
- 1995 24
- 1996 35
- 1997 39
- 1998 33
- 1999 29
- 1999-2000 1
- 2000 37
- 2001 46
- 2002 38
- 2003 37
- 2004 34
- 2005 48
- 2005-2006 1
- 2006 43
- 2006-2008 1
- 2007 31
- 2008 56
- 2008-2009 1
- 2009 67
- 2009-2010 1
- 2010 51
- 2010-2011 1
- 2011 56
- 2011-2012 1
- 2012 68
- 2012-2013 1
- 2013 40
- 2014 47
- 2015 59
- 2016 40
- 2017 17
- 2018 16
- 2019 15
- 2020 17
- 2021 10
- 2021-2022 2
- 2022 2
- 2023 1
Show More - Topic...
- Baptism 5
- Basis of Union 22
- Children and Families 9
- Christian Unity 5
- Church Membership 1
- Communion 8
- Covenanting 11
- Discipleship 1
- Doctrine 19
- Domestic and Family Violence 1
- Environment 49
- First Assembly Sydney 1977 15
- First Peoples 124
- Governance 66
- Home Missions 150
- Human Rights 97
- Industrial Relations 16
- Inland Missions 123
- Language Resources 8
- Lay Ministry 7
- Liturgy 24
- Marriage 14
- Meetings 1
- Migration 167
- Minister of the Word 27
- Ministries 55
- Ministry Standards 34
- Ministry of Deacon 21
- Ministry of Pastor 17
- Mission 1
- Multicultural 32
- Nuclear Weapons 15
- Orders of Service 27
- Ordination 20
- Overseas Missions 208
- Policies 88
- Regulations 53
- Relations with Other Faiths 12
- Sacraments 7
- Safe Church 19
- Sexuality 29
- Social Justice 501
- Study Guide 1
- Welfare 51
- Worship 11
- Worship Resource 10
- Youth and Young Adults 9
Show More - Status...
- Approved ASC 103
- Approved Assembly 117
- Approved WG/Agency 11
- Assembly Document 505
- Category...
- Parish History886
- Place...
- Adamstown 4
- Albury 2
- Alexandria 1
- Alstonville 2
- Annandale 1
- Arcadia 1
- Armidale 6
- Arncliffe 2
- Ashfield 3
- Auburn 3
- Austinmer 1
- Avalon 1
- Balgowlah 1
- Ballina 4
- Balmain 6
- Bangor 1
- Bankstown 3
- Bardwell Park 1
- Barellan 1
- Barraba 1
- Bathurst 7
- Baulkham Hills 3
- Beecroft 4
- Bega 2
- Beringa 1
- Berrima 1
- Berry 2
- Beverly Hills 1
- Place...